Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet Dreams [bed sharing and blanket stealing]

I've never been very good at sharing, just ask my mother.

I have been flatting for 12 years now, and am quite comfortable sharing my living space with another person, providing they're reasonably tidy and partake in a spot of cleaning on a regular basis. My lovely boything has moved in with me and I'm adjusting to the difference of living with a partner rather than a flatmate.

Something I am finding it hard to get used to, however, is sharing my bed. I have a double bed (in an ideal world I would have a king-sized bed, but I am an impoverished student and finances say no big comfy bed for us), and am dealing with sharing the sleeping space, but it appears that my boything is a notorious blanket thief. Or rather, he has developed this nocturnal bad habit over the last month or so. He has perfected this amazingly sneaky "grab and roll" technique that enables him to cocoon himself in the duvet, leaving me with none.

Because of the way the boything cocoons himself, I am unable to sneak the blankets back! If they're not wrapped around him, then he is clutching them tighter than Darth Vader's force grip (May the Fourth be with you, Star Wars fans!) and I can't wrestle them back.

I hear some of you scoffing at my whinge about blanket stealing because to you it seems trivial. But when you spend a good portion of every night cold and shivering, and start to resent sharing a bed with your partner, it actually starts to be a touch more serious. This didn't happen when we first started sharing a bed, it's something that has started happening over roughly the last 5 weeks and we'd really like to find a solution as soon as possible. I haven't had a full night of sleep in over a month (not counting the week where I went away without him and we each enjoyed 8 blissful nights of having a whole bed and blanket to ourselves!), and it's driving me up the wall!

I realise that this is not a conscious action on my boything's part, and that's why I really want to find a solution/way of coping with this. Otherwise he will have to be banished to sleep in another room, and I will be sad and lonely. We've tried having another duvet on the bed, so if he steals one then I still have the other, but alas! He manages to swipe both.

Does anyone have any wonderful words of advice that they can offer? Does anyone else have this problem? Please let us know!!! We will be forever grateful to anyone who can help us out.

O bed! O bed! delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head.
~Thomas Hood, Miss Kilmansegg - Her Dream